Signs to deter gun violence

It’s a good thing that we have brainiacs like the people that came up with this idea to protect the law abiding citizens from the people that use guns to rob the places. Possibly these brainiacs could learn from the “Drug free zone” signs around school that aren’t working. I guess the Washington CeaseFire and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn don’t know about the afore mentioned signs. If someone cannot tell that it would be wrong to walk in and waive a gun around for ANY reason other than to deter a crime, then I am at a complete loss as to why posting a decal in a business window stating that the business is a “Gun free zone” would change any of that.

The only possibly that I can come to is that the owner of the business is just looking for some insurance money and this is just a means of advertising. If the business is a gun free zone, then no one in the business is going to stop a robbery. Someone might as well stop by to take advantage of the advertising.

For that matter, why wait to read the sign on the front of the store? A person that was less than scrupulous could even make a list of the stores on this website and just go on a spree. I mean why stop at one store. There is a list of about 50 stores. That person could simply have their pick. About the only thing that this site is lacking is a map of the locations just to figure out which ones are close to each other so it won’t be too inconvenient to hit more than one at a time.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to employ a security guard with a weapon to make rounds at the businesses? At least that way the employees would have more of a chance to be protected.

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